The first COVID-19 case reported on 25 January 2020 in Malaysia, the case showed an increment with 552 cases on 16 Mac. Since few countries have been lockdown due to increment cases, Prime Minister of Malaysia Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had announced the Restricted Movement Control (RMO) or Perintah Kawalan Pergerakkan (PKP) to control the spreads of the disease. The RMO/ PKP leading of people's life to stay at home except for essential services that remain operates and the total days of being lockdown in Malaysia contain 4 stages: 1) 18-31 March, 2) 1-14 April, 3) 15-28 April, 4) 29 April - 14 Mei.
Without Muslim people realized while the ongoing of RMO/ PKP, 24 April is the official date on welcoming Ramdhan Al-Bubaraq. It's a quite tough to the people who are in the businesses sector on selling baju raya, kasut raya and all raya stuff and of course affected to the people who always set up to open small businesses (which the only medium to earn more money) on selling a variety of foods in Bazar Ramadhan once a year.
Tarawih prayer is not a culture but is a must thing to do during Ramadhan season, which only performs in Ramadhan month once in a year. It brings all Muslim people to gather in Masjid/ Mosque to berjemaah/ congregation after Isya' prayer. Ramadhan months are known as a powerful month whereas your pahala/ rewards given as double.
But, since the RMO/ PKP are not allow people to gather even for Tarawih prayer, everybody (Muslim people) is being advised to do all the amalan/ practices at home. This might be a painful Ramadhan that ever happen in Malaysia or World history among Muslim people out there. By the time, as a Muslim there's no excuse to do amalan/ practices, as long as it's the holy month and people should grab the opportunity to focus in ibadah/ worship also to pray for COVID-19 end.
Ujian tanda Allah sayang, Allah 'tegur' melalui ujian untuk kembali dan dekat pada Dia semula
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