Uishhh, talking about 'boyfriend/ girlfriend' ni, kalau cakap dalam kelas budak darjah 2, semua confirm F-O-K-U-S. Have you guys been experienced having a boyfriend/ girlfriend more than 2 times or more? or not yet?
💔How many penny had you spent on dating? including the present, anniversary, foods, random gift, and so on?
💔How much time did you westing on the whole relationship that never works?
💔How many pieces your heart had broken after the decision made to break the relationship?
💔How many times you think how stupid you were to be with him/ her?
💔How many times you think of getting back?
💔And... do you still hate him/ her even the story was a long ago?
These 6 questions probably have the answer, you gais know.
This random question is quite familiar to everyone who once fell in love with someone they had loved before. What your current feeling? do you happy to see him/ her happy?
After so many girls conversation I have had made with my friends, some are quite serious about forgetting even it has been a few years and maybe the scars or 'memories that built'. But some are okay and surrender to 'let it go', and some are thinking of the previous BF/GF were much better than current relationship even planning to get back. It depends. Something that playing with the heart truthfully mind questioning kan. Perhaps it was bothering you in a certain time.
As a humankind, I also feel the same for the questions above. But as we are growing adult and these are just a lessons in life and I'm okay to see them (amboi them macam ramai je). Paling-paling pun nak sedapkan hati kita akan cakap 'nasib baik aku bukan dengan dia'😂. But the other positivity side, just remembers this "someone whom were passing by through your life is just a lesson that needs to be learned". He/ She kan is someone we shared our heart feeling before, maybe gone thru ups and downs in life. Let them remain a friend to you and you can say hello when you meet and Goodbye when you left.
Apparently, sometimes the negativity is still there, come on we are human but to push the feeling away from the mind is to talk to the self and think on how you should be grateful to say to Allah that you are now walking on your beautiful journey even better. People!, let the color of your life shows the beauty okay! Just live your life wonderfully, memories let be just a memories, we pray for their happiness and it may return to you too!
I personally happy to see them, because they 'were' my happy pills. Ada yang tengah in serious relationship (ni a guy masa cinta tak cukup sifat), ada yang dah kahwin (A guy that suggested by friend) dan ada yang dah tunang (Ni a guy masa jodoh pilihan keluarga). See kalau ditakdirkan tu bukan jodoh korang how serious the relationship get along tak akan menang dengan kuasa Allah. But if you gais are plan to married to the one you love now, percaya pada kuasa Doa sebab Allah tak akan sia-siakan hambanya kan? Ingat ya para hadirin sekalian, setiap pertemuan sesungguhnya atas izin Allah SWT. Allah pertemukan mamat/ minah A tak semestinya depa jodoh cuols, mungkin anda kena jumpa mamat/ minah C, D,E,F barulahhh yang G jodoh anda.
And me? of course keep my wings high for my parents, maybe this is what Allah wanted me to do so. since i am the only daughter dan anak sulong pulak tu. just sangka yang baik pada Allah kawan-kawan sebab Dia sebaik-baik perancang.
Yang penting! doalah agar Allah SWT hadirkan anda pasangan yang baik agama akhlaknya. Kalau rasa tak baik pun tak apa, sama-sama bercita-cita mencari CINTA ALLAH 💓
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