My best friend shared this screenshoot to me this week and said "Doa you dimakbulkan". ALHAMDULILLAH
I was shocked to see that I had sent her old Whatsapp texts. I don't remember saying this, but yes, I've been planning to get married in 28 to 30 years since I was in my early 20s. And, thanks Allah, my prayer and dream have come true. I'll be a wife in a month and a few days to Mr. UZ <3
All plans are carried out the way they were made. 80% of everything is set up, but I'm worried about the Pilihan Raya Negeri, which the prediction may happening in July, the same month as my event. I hope the signal is fixed and that there won't be any more delays, Aamiin
P/S: Masa ni belum sign up master lagi, bulan 10 baru official master students and it almost 3 years tak habis lagi. Tak cari kerja tapi cari husband, Hahaha. InshaaAllah this year settle habis tesis master then road to PhD! YAYY.. Semoga Allah izinkan dan mudahkan, Aamiin.
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